Taking Care Of An Infected Person

Taking Care Of An Infected Person


HIV is an infection that has eaten away at humanity for a very long time now. It is an infection that has left many without hope and has killed many people’s dreams for the future. When a person learns that they are infected with HIV, they always feel like that is the end of the world for them. That is why, as their family, friend, colleague or relative, we must take it upon ourselves to care for them until they see the light of life. There are many ways that you can take care of the infected person. These ways are:

Keep Watch On Their Eating Habits

When one is infected, they need the healthiest diets. There is no luxury of feeding on what they want because their meals will have an impact on their situation. Therefore, invest in feeding them with balanced and nutritious diets that will boost their immunity and strengthen them. As you feed them healthily, keep track of their weight. One of the signs of the infection is a drastic loss of weight.  Therefore, work to keep their weight on the appropriate level because being underweight is also a problem on its own.

Eating Habits

Ensure That They Take Their Medications


There are quite many antiretroviral drugs that HIV patients get prescribed. These medications help in counteracting the effect of the virus and improve the person’s condition. Therefore, read the instructions on the medication and the dosage. At the right times, administer the drugs to them as instructed.


Always Keep A Watchful Eye

As a caregiver, friend, relative or family, always watch out for the person well being in general. Observe how they dress, how their hygiene is, how the house looks like, and if they have enough food in the house. It is particularly for infected persons that live on their own. They should be dressing rightly at all times because the elements of the weather can easily harm them because of weakened immunity. Their surroundings should be clean always because proper hygiene is necessary. If they lack anything vital in their home, you can provide for them.

Watchful Eye

Always Show Them Love And Care

HIV infected persons require extra love and care from the people around them. Stigmatization of such individuals is an abomination that should not be heard of. Love is what gives the victims hope in life. When you show love and care, they know that they are not alone and it gives them the spirit to keep fighting and keep living. It encourages them to live normally.

Love And Care

Ensure Your Hygiene Is Optimum

Since you are handling a lot of things for the infected person, you must ensure that your hygiene is excellent or else you risk infecting the person because of germs. You may not be affected because you have a strong immune response but their immunity is weaker and cannot fight infections adequately.

Proper Hygiene

Counsel Them

Infected people will always require counseling regardless of how strong they seem to be. The news of being HIV positive is a heavy blow, and their minds and thoughts may be disoriented causing them to think and act otherwise. Therefore, take time to counsel them, encourage them, and teach them about healthy living and caring for themselves.

Give Counsel

Ensure That They Are Regularly Immunized


Because of their weakened immune systems, the infected person needs to get immunized regularly. It can be against diseases like pneumonia, measles, tuberculosis, mumps, and so on. It minimizes the chances of them getting infected.


Encourage Exercising

This is a healthy way to keep your body active and highly functional. It is also a great way to ward off some diseases. Exercising promotes healthy living. The person should engage in light exercises.



The information given here is directly from the internet, and it is not an official suggestion or medical advice.

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We aim to spread awareness about HIV/AIDS amongst the educated youth of the world.


We want everyone to have proper information about HIV/AIDS, its transmission, causes, symptoms and much more.

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Causes Of HIV/AIDS

  • Sexual Intercourse
  • Prenatal Transmission
  • Transmission By Blood