Facts You Probably Did Not Know About HIV

Facts You Probably Did Not Know About HIV


HIV has some very interesting facts that many people know nothing about. To get you acquainted with some of them, here are a few facts relating to statistics, the history, the power, and the symptoms of HIV. You will be shocked by some of them.


The very first person to be diagnosed with this virus was a Congolese. The person’s blood was tested for the infection in the year 1959. Scientists believe the first infection was between the late 40s and early 50s.


The main cause of HIV infection in Malawi is due to a traditional practice called widow-cleansing. The widow is supposed to sleep with someone after the burial of her husband to protect her family from being cursed because her husband’s spirit visited upon her. By sleeping with someone else, she is cleansing herself.


Many African-Americans and Latinos always believe that the US government conspired to introduce the virus to eliminate a certain ethnic population. This is because of the rate of infections among the Latinos and Black-Americans are higher than among White Americans.


PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) helps people in inhibiting the virus from taking root in their systems in case they have been exposed to the virus.


Many people experience the symptoms of HIV in the initial stages, and it clears up. It may take them over ten years to start experiencing the effects of the virus in their body. This is the time when it has caused AIDS. That is why they live healthily for a long period and all of a sudden the effects set in. Such people contaminate others without realizing it. This is the reason you should get tested often.


The symptoms of the infection will manifest within the first two or four weeks after infection. Many people dispense the signs as mere flu because it has very similar signs and symptoms.


In South Africa, over 2.3 million children are orphans because this deadly infection caused their parents’ death.


HIV survives in dried blood for up to five or six days as long as the blood is maintained at room temperature and optimum PH levels. It can also survive in syringes up to four weeks after flushing blood out.


Out of six U.S citizens, one does not know they are HIV positive.


The information available here is purely from the internet. It should not be taken as an official suggestion.

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Causes Of HIV/AIDS

  • Sexual Intercourse
  • Prenatal Transmission
  • Transmission By Blood